Post-Jam: 3rd Place Winner & V1.1 in Development


First off, "Knights of Pareg" placed 3rd in the Preggo Game Jam! 

Huge thanks to all who have played (2,000 downloads as of right now) and I'm glad many of you enjoyed playing! It's meant a lot seeing many positive comments come in for this project. This was my first time participating in a jam and I'm pleased with what I was able to accomplish in that time while also having fun with a gameplay type I'd otherwise be a bit more hesitant to try outside of a jam on a larger scope.

It was great seeing the games others were able to make for this jam too! I still need to play many of them myself.

Now that I've taking a small break to unwind after pushing myself a lot to meet the deadline, I'm working on making an update or two to vary up playthroughs a little more and offer additional unique events to find. I feel like the game will then be in a state I'd be satisfied with marking as "finished" with what was originally planned.

Here's what's currently planned for Version 1.1:

- More main rooms

- Other rooms with a cave that has other unique events inside

- More general events (with some more use of the larger chest/hip sizes)

- Extra pieces of art

- More enemy types

- A few more achievements

- Chances for rare rooms will increase when they have not appeared for a while

Get Knights of Pareg - Episode 10: The Cursed Forest of Fertility


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Great to hear! This game definitely deserved the recognition it got, and I'm glad you're planning on expanding/further developing it!


Heh... Exoanding...